Introduction: Our Dreamworld True immersive ROLEPLAYING.
Teaching System The teaching system in Underlight is a unique feature not found in other games.
Player Classes Within the dreamworld of Underlight there are four player classes..

The next generation,

of dreamers has advanced into a new era – that of the dual focus. Once a dreamer obtains the 9th sphere, they now have the ability to attune themselves to a second focus of their choosing. While a secondary focus does not have all of the benefits of being the primary focus, most of the arts for the secondary focus will become available to learn and train. At present, two dreamers actively dreaming hold the distinction of being dual focus – dreamers BladeSlayer and Dreiko. BladeSlayer is a primary SoulMaster with a FateSender secondary, and Dreiko is a primary DreamSeer with a secondary Soulmaster focus. Be sure to seek them out in the City to talk about it!

Many dreams ago,

our city came under siege by the powerful beasts. These creatures wrought vast devastation to our lands, forever altering the way we dream with their mere presence. As the beasts carved their way through Underlight with unrivaled ire nothing was spared from feeling their wrath, not even our sworn enemies the dark mares. We were nearly defeated. Standing divided by our beliefs we faced the finality of our dreams. Despite the looming hopelessness we were ignited by the passion to survive. We came together with grit and determination in what can only be described as an uphill battle against the foul creatures that sought the destruction of us and all that we cherished. Relentlessly, we pushed back against our attackers until our battalion found itself deep within the mists of chaos. It was not until after the final battle that the realization of the sacrifice that we had just made in defense of Underlight hit with torrential force. (more …)


In response to your ‘decree’, I must remind the Vanguard of the limitations of your jurisdiction. I am amazed by the depths of your arrogance, your misplaced faith in beliefs that have, for centuries, served as a justification for violence, mass-manipulation, and unnecessary war. Illuminates have become a primary component to the downward spiral of the City. We FreeSouls welcome the opportunity to explore any and every chance at gaining knowledge and insight into recent developments. (more …)


The number of dreams afforded to you has become numbered. You will not continue to carry on in this reckless and irresponsible manner. You will not continue to parade through our city and collaborate with others in its downfall. Time and time again, for eons, you have shown nothing but contempt and disregard for the Vanguard and its sanctified mission. (more …)